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Voi Grants Cycle

The Voi Council will be accepting grant proposals on a monthly basis with the launch of mainnet. Below is what you can expect in terms of a typical cycle review cadence:

  • Grantees can submit applications anytime within first 2 weeks of each month.
  • 5-day community review period for the Voi community to provide feedback and comments.
  • 48-hour period for the Grantee to consider suggestions and edit application as needed.
  • 72-hour period for the Council to review this updated application and completes an evaluation with thorough feedback.
  • 48-hour period for the Grantee to make final edits using the Council's evaluation.
  • 72-hour period for the Council to engage in a final vote.
  • 48-hour period for the Treasury to approve proposal, which unlocks funds disbursement.

Version 2